Hon. Margaret McCain in Halifax to promote EYS3, meet with Premier

HALIFAX, Feb. 6, 2012 - The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain is in Halifax for two days of meetings with Government and community leaders to share the latest in a trio of reports she has co-authored on the scientific, social and economic rationales for investing in early child development. Early Years Study 3 also introduces the Early Childhood Education Index, a tool that evaluates the effectiveness of provincial early childhood service systems.

Wednesday, February 8

7:30 a.m. - IWK Leadership breakfast:  Hosted by IWK, Goldbloom Pavilion.

9 a.m. - Grand Rounds lecture: The scientific rationale of early childhood education, with Dr. Carl Corter, Department of Human Development, University of Toronto. IWK Health Centre, O.E. Smith Auditorium. Note media must register with IWK media room.

10 a.m. - Reception: IWK Health Centre, O.E. Smith Auditorium
Noon-3p.m.- Scheduled media interviews

Thursday, February 9

8 a.m. - Breakfast meeting: Hosted by IWK with Government and community leaders
10 a.m. - Early Years Study 3, Making decisions, taking action. Public presentation with co-author Kerry McCuaig, Early Childhood Policy Fellow, University of Toronto and Dr. Carl Corter.  Westin Hotel, 1181 Hollis Street, Commonwealth Room B.
1 p.m. - Meeting with Premier Dexter and members of cabinet, 1700 Granville Street.
2 p.m. - Scheduled media interviews
4 p.m. - Departs for New Brunswick tour

For further information:

Kerry McCuaig. Phone: 647.295.2808.  Email: kmccuaig@rogers.com
Allison Black. Phone: 647.283.6403.  Email: ablack@mwmccain.ca

Early Years Study 3 is available at www.earlyyearsstudy.ca