Vision, Mission, Objectives


Early Childhood Education is the key to a better society. It provides children with the best possible start in life and is the foundation of a literate, pluralistic and democratic Canada.


Promote the best evidence to inform practice, policy and research to cultivate increased public investment in high quality early learning as an entitlement for every child.


  1. Highlight the role of ECE in promoting a happy childhood and a love of learning.

  2. Promote investment in early childhood education that ensures even the most disadvantaged children have the chance to succeed alongside their more advantaged peers.

  3. Emphasize ECE’s role in enhancing gender equity in the home and in the workplace.

  4. Build bridges between public education and early education to create the knowledge needed for a sustainable world.

  5. Recognize a highly trained and resourced early childhood workforce is essential.

  6. Encourage continued innovation and monitoring of ECE practices, programs and policies.

  7. Work with governments, business, civic and sector leaders to promote broader public understanding and support for ECE.

Father and daughter

A Canada where what we know about early child development benefits children, families and contributes to a democratic, pluralistic and prosperous society.