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Beginning School at Age 4


Does Expanding Education "Schoolify" Early Development?

Does Expanding Education "Schoolify" Early Development?

Canada is moving toward expanding education to include four-year-olds. Nova Scotia, Ontario, and the Northwest Territories have strong models in place, while Quebec is phasing it in. Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan have targeted programs that are raising interest.

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What is the Significance of the Lancet Series on The Next 1000 Days?

What is the Significance of the Lancet Series on The Next 1000 Days?

The release of new research on the importance of the early years is hardly news. A plethora of evidence has been established to mould public policy and inform early interventions to optimize the developmental outcomes of young children.

Download the full article in PDF format

Merging junior kindergarten into school system would help children, expand ECE access: advocates

Merging junior kindergarten into school system would help children, expand ECE access: advocates

The Jimmy Pratt Foundation is calling on the Newfoundland and Labrador government to merge junior kindergarten into the province's school system, which it says will better support children with affordable care and expand capacity for early childhood educators.

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Open Letter to the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to follow the research and expand the education system to include four-year-olds

Open Letter to the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to follow the research and expand the education system to include four-year-olds

On Monday, November 25th the following open letter was delivered to Premier Furey and released to the public today. As a voice for the children of this province, we call for the government to divert from their Pre-Kindergarten program which, in three years, continues to fall short with less than 20% of 4-year-olds having access.

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Your questions about 10-dollars-a-day childcare program answered

Your questions about 10-dollars-a-day childcare program answered

Canada's Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, and the Executive Director of Child Care Now, Morna Ballantyne discuss the challenges of 10-dollars-a-day childcare program and answer listeners questions.

Listen to the discussion:

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The experience of jurisdictions with universal pre-kindergarten shows that 4-year-olds benefit from the expertise of school staff and services, especially marginalized students.