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Beginning School at Age 4

Evidence: Research with Additional Links

Auspice and other policy-related variations in preschool practice in the United States: have public preschool programs been more academic?

Auspice and other policy-related variations in preschool practice in the United States: have public preschool programs been more academic?

We investigated the extent to which practices considered developmentally appropriate and inappropriate varied by preschool program auspice (private, public school, and Head Start).

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The Importance of the Second 1000 Days (2024)

The Importance of the Second 1000 Days (2024)

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life – pregnancy and the months leading to their second birthday – are a critical time. Expectant mothers need good antenatal care.

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Long Term Impact of Junior Kindergarten (2024)

Long Term Impact of Junior Kindergarten (2024)

Since 1995, publicly funded pre-K with universal eligibility has proliferated across the U.S. Universal pre-K (UPK) operates at great scale and serves children with a wide range of alternative childcare options.

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Children's Early Learning Belongs in Neighbourhood Schools (2023)

Children's Early Learning Belongs in Neighbourhood Schools (2023)

The beginning of each school year brings an opportunity to reflect, for children, families and also for policymakers. Some important lessons pertain to effective ways provinces and territories can expand children’s and families’ access to early learning programs.

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What to Look for in Quality Pre-Primary Programs (2022)

What to Look for in Quality Pre-Primary Programs (2022)

Access to early learning is a challenge across the country — and many parents scramble to find a space for their children. But there are some programs that are readily available and accessible to all children in their catchment areas.

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A significant part of the solution to early learning and child care resides in our schools by offering universal pre-kindergarden for 4-year-olds as an extension of public education.

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