Discussions about improving mental health outcomes for children often overlook a critical factor: the mental health and well-being of their educators. Research has long highlighted the importance of healthy, supportive environments for early childhood development, yet the working conditions of early childhood educators remain a blind spot.


The Role of Junior Kindergarten in Improving Child Mental Health Outcomes

Government investing $200 million in child-care sector
Government of New Brunswick, March 11, 2025 Excerpt: The provincial government is investing $200 million over five years to extend three child-care agreements with the federal government.One of them, the Canada-New Brunswick Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, has been extended to March 31, 2031.

JK Delivering Striking Results in the NWT
When early learning programs are universal, participation soars. This broad reach delivers undeniable benefits, particularly for vulnerable children who stand to gain the most.

Does Expanding Education "Schoolify" Early Development?
Canada is moving toward expanding education to include four-year-olds. Nova Scotia, Ontario, and the Northwest Territories have strong models in place, while Quebec is phasing it in. Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan have targeted programs that are raising interest.

What is the Significance of the Lancet Series on The Next 1000 Days?
The release of new research on the importance of the early years is hardly news. A plethora of evidence has been established to mould public policy and inform early interventions to optimize the developmental outcomes of young children.

The experience of jurisdictions with universal pre-kindergarten shows that 4-year-olds benefit from the expertise of school staff and services, especially marginalized students.