Nova Scotian parents of young children were asked of their thoughts regarding the effectiveness of the provinces’ new publicly-funded, universal, early childhood education, program known as Pre-Primary.


Parent Perspectives of the Pre-Primary Program In Nova Scotia

Ce que pensent les parents du programme de prématernelle en Nouvelle-Écosse
On a demandé aux parents néo-écossais de jeunes enfants leur opinion au sujet du nouveau programme public universel d’éducation à la petite enfance, aussi nommé prématernelle.

Perspectives of Educators in Atlantic Canada
Educators across Nova Scotia (NS), New Brunswick (NB), and Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) were asked for their insights into publicly funded, schoolbased Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs.

Ce que pense le personnel éducatif au Canada, dans les provinces atlantiques
On a demandé aux membres du personnel éducatif de la petite enfance de la Nouvelle-Écosse (N.-É.), du Nouveau-Brunswick (N.-B.) et de Terre-Neuve-etLabrador (T.-N.-L.) leur opinion au sujet des programmes publics d’éducation à la petite enfance (EPE).

The Early Years for Everyone: Lessons from Nova Scotia
Jill Piers, Manager Pre-primary Operations, Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, Government of Nova Scotia presenting at the Putting the Public into Early Learning and Child Care Symposium, December 1, 2023, at the Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development, OISE, University of Toronto.

Moving the four-year-olds into the school system frees up thousands of spaces in early learning centres, allowing those centres to focus on infants and toddlers.