Remarks by the Hon. Margaret McCain to PFC Symposium

Kids playing

October 16, 2012
Montreal, Quebec

Excerpt: "We are the Early Child Development Funders Working Group – it’s a mouthful and we could have devised a more pithy handle but we are not about branding; we are about a goal – publicly funded early education for every child from the age of two. This objective underpins our respective equity and social justice agendas. It is progressive, ambitious and achievable.

Ours is a collaboration of eight family foundations – some old and some new; some large, some small, stretching from Alberta to Newfoundland. We first met in Toronto in an exploratory meeting to see how and if we could expand the effectiveness of our philanthropy with respect to young children.

We didn't have a prototype. Our process has evolved with the work. First with a few foundations joining around small projects. Ultimately with all coming together to produce and promote Early Years Study 3. It has been a unique experience. No one has asked for their logos to be featured. All were willing to leave their egos at the door to join around a common purpose...."

Remarks by the Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain to the PFC Symposium (62.9 KB)

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