The 19th Annual Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development Ensuring equity and inclusion in early learning and child care

Girls playing

May 11, 2023 | George Brown College, Waterfront Campus, 51 Dockside Drive, Toronto, ON

child paintingThe Summer Institute is an annual collaboration between the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College and the Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto. The Institute strives to offer timely information to inform early childhood research, policy and practice. As we pass the half-way mark in the development of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care strategy, the Institute examines the unintended consequences of governments’ rush to lower parent fees and the impact on equity of access, inclusion and program quality.

Join experts in this important forum discussing how to meet the equity goals in the CWELCC plan along with great examples from across Canada of how to scale-up of proven programs and innovations.

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