May 29, 2013, University of New Brunswick In accepting her honourary degree from the University of New Brunswick, on May 29, Hilary Pearson, President of the Philanthropic Foundations Canada honoured the remarkable contribution of Margaret McCain to philanthropy. Ms. Pearson credits Margaret’s "curiosity, evidence and impact to make a compelling...

April 13, 2013Barrie, Ontario Description: Early Years Study 3: Making Decisions, Taking Action makes a compelling case for why policy makers should focus attention and resources on young children and their families. The social, economic and scientific rationale for increased investments in early childhood education is clear and well documented....

February 15, 2013Saint John, New Brunswick The Honourable Margaret McCain's address to the Early Childhood Development Centre Conference:It’s been a short five years since your Premier, social service and education ministers visited First Duty sites in Ontario and saw first hand the benefits of integrated service delivery for children and...

Merging education with child care and family supports is a proven formula for better outcomes for children and less stress for parents. Yet across Canada services, particularly for young children, are a disorganized patchwork. "This disadvantages families and taxpayers," says the Honourable Margaret McCain, who is here to co-host a...

Toronto, October 23, 2012 Excerpt: "Less than a month after the inaugural conference for the Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development, we are together again under the same theme – how research, policy and practice – across disciplines – inform one another. Behind the IHD, and its prototype the Atkinson...