Carol Loughrey, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. Board MemberPresentation to the Headstart Gala Moncton, May 18, 2023 Thank you for that kind introduction.C’est un grand plaisir pour moi d’être ici ce soir pour le premier gala de levée de fonds pour Moncton Headstart. I am honoured to be...
Presentations - New Brunswick
November 4, 2015, Fredericton, New Brunswick
The Honourable Margaret McCain's presentation to the public consultations on New Brunswick's 10-Year Education....
Top economists tell government why investing in early education pays off
Awarding winning economists Pierre Fortin of the University of Quebec at Montreal and Craig Alexander, former vice-president and chief economist with the TD Bank and now with the C.D. Howe institute, presented about the multiple benefits of public investment in early education and child care. They were joined by former Lieutenant Governor Margaret Norrie McCain.
The Health and Education Reearch Group October 22, 2013 presentation Health & Education Research Group Presentation (English) (2.0 MB) Health & Education Research Group Presentation (French) (1.8 MB)
CENTREVILLE, NB, June 14, 2013 /CNW/ The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain opens a new location for the Centreville Preschool. The new location for the preschool in Centreville Community School will serve 27 youngsters aged three and four. It was refurbished with support from the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation....