Community Innovators Meet

Des innovateurs communautaires se réunissent afin d’améliorer l’offre de services à la petite enfance

Community innovators meet to develop better ways of delivering early childhood services to families

November 24, 2010

FREDERICTON, NB – How to best meet the early learning and child care needs of families with young children will be the topic of a day-long workshop being held in Fredericton, Nov. 25, 2010.

Participants are part of the Early Childhood Development Centre initiative supported by the provincial government and the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation (MWMFF).

“Investing in high quality early learning and child care builds ...

Margaret McCain the 2010 Egerton Ryerson Award Recipient

Margaret McCain is the 2010 recipient of People for Education’s Egerton Ryerson Award for Dedication to Public Education. The award is named for the founder of Canada's public education system, Egerton Ryerson, a visionary leader in the campaign to ensure that every child had access to education.

On November 23, 2010, a reception was held at the National Headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada to honour Margaret McCain. At the event, Margaret’s granddaughter, Sarah McCain, gave a speech recognizing her grandmother's contribution to the field of public education.


On ...

Program a Model for Early Childhood Education

Programmation d'un modele d'education de la petite enfance

RICHIBUCTO, NB, Oct. 16 /CNW/ - La Boussole, Centre de la petite enfance et de la famille de Richibucto inc. celebrated its official opening today in Soleil Levant School. Elected officials and community leaders from business, culture, health, and education joined children, their parents and caregivers to tour this unique "one-stop" location for children from birth through Grade 8.

La Boussole ("The Compass") is one of nine early childhood demonstration sites in the province. Its team of staff delivers programming to parents and children including full- and part-time child care, parent ...

Programmation d'un modele d'education de la petite enfance

Program a Model for Early Childhood Education

RICHIBUCTO, N.-B., le 16 oct. /CNW/ - La Boussole, Centre de la petite enfance et de la famille de Richibucto inc., a célébré aujourd'hui son inauguration officielle à l'école Soleil Levant. Des représentants élus et des chefs de file de la collectivité, plus précisément des secteurs des affaires, de la culture, de la santé et de l'éducation, se sont joints aux enfants, à leurs parents et à leurs gardiens pour visiter cet établissement "multiservices" unique, destiné aux enfants de la naissance à la 8e année.

La Boussole compte parmi les ...

New In School Program Welcomes Tots to Teens

Un nouveau programme en milieu scolaire accueille les jeunes, du berceau à l'adolescence

RICHIBUCTO, NB, Oct. 13 /CNW/ - La Boussole, Centre de la petite enfance et de la famille de Richibucto inc. officially opens Saturday, October 16, 10 a.m. to noon, in Soleil Levant School, making the school the first in the community to open its doors to children and families starting at birth.

La Boussole ("The Compass") offers a variety of programs to preschoolers 0 to 5 years old and their families including early learning and child care, parent drop-in and public health supports. Since La Boussole ...

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