Early Childhood Education

The Role of ECE in Social and Labour Productivity

Top economists tell government why investing in early education pays off

Awarding winning economists Pierre Fortin of the University of Quebec at Montreal and Craig Alexander, former vice-president and chief economist with the TD Bank and now with the C.D. Howe institute, presented about the multiple benefits of public investment in early education and child care. They were joined by former Lieutenant Governor Margaret Norrie McCain.

Sponsored by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Department of Education at the University of New Brunswick and the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc..

To view their presentations ...

Realizing PEI’s Vision for Young Children

November 2, 2015
Charlottetown, PEI

CHANCES is a PEI institution offering early education, care, family supports and home visiting to families across the island. It is part of a tripartite partnership with the Government of PEI and the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. that is evaluating the outcomes of universal access to ECE and testing tools to support program quality. Margaret McCain and Jane Bertrand presented the follow update on the project.

Nova Scotia Now Has An Early Years Centre In Every School Board

September 15, 2015

With thanks to the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation for providing $500,000 for evaluation and professional learning over 5 years, Nova Scotia now has an early years centre in every school board in the province.

Congratulations Nova Scotia for making the early years a priority!

To read the Ministry of Education News Release on the opening of the 4 new Early Years Centres:

Minister Casey

Minister Casey announcing the opening of the four new Early Years Centres

Launch Play Min Casey

Minister ...

Centres Helping Students Socialize

Cape Breton Post
August 16, 2015

Excerpt: "To help prepare young children for the elementary school experience, the provincial government under the leadership of Minister Karen Casey has opened preschool Early Years Centres across Nova Scotia.

The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation is providing $500,000 over five years to help establish these centres. The Nova Scotia government is providing $125,000 per site. The Honorable Margaret Norrie McCain is making a profound impact on society through her philanthropy and advocacy for children.

The purpose of these early years centres is to get young preschool children ready for their ...

Early Childhood Education is Vital

The Telegram
July 14, 2015

Excerpt: "Investing in our children is investing in the future of our country. There is no better way to do this than through high-quality early childhood education (ECE)."

To read the entire article