New Brunswick

Remarks by Carol Loughrey

Remarks by Carol Loughrey, board member Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation at the event in Carlton County, New Brunswick marking the Foundation-Government partnership supporting the development of five new integrated children’s centres.

Mrs. McCain sends her greetings and apologies that she can’t be with us today. The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation is pleased to be part of this important and exciting initiative.

Ours is an activist foundation. Our goal is to support and inform public policy: to complement the work of governments and communities – not to replace their role. As both a new foundation and ...

Développement de cinq sites

Développement de cinq sites de démonstration pour le développement de la petite enfance

MWMFF Partners with Government of New Brunswick

FREDERICTON (CNB) - Cinq sites de démonstration de centres de développement de la petite enfance sont actuellement en cours de développement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote de trois ans visant à fournir des services intégrés et un soutien aux jeunes enfants et à leurs parents, a annoncé aujourd'hui le ministre du Développement social, Kelly Lamrock.

Les sites de Centreville, Keswick, Millville, Perth-Andover et Richibucto bénéficieront de subventions de départ de la Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation. Ils ...

MWMFF Partners with Government of New Brunswick

Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation partner with Government of New Brunswick to demonstrate integrate children’s centres

Développement de cinq sites de démonstration pour le développement de la petite enfance

FREDERICTON (CNB) – Five new early childhood development centre demonstration sites are being developed in Centreville, Keswick, Millville, Perth-Andover and Richibucto as part of a three-year pilot project to provide integrated services and supports for young children and their parents, Social Development Minister Kelly Lamrock announced today.

These demonstration sites are receiving start-up grants from the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation and are in addition to the four government-funded ...

Building the Future in Atlantic Canada

Building the Future in Atlantic Canada: Integrating early childhood and family services

Bâtir l’avenir au Canada atlantique: Intégrer les services à la petite enfance et les services à la famille (200.0 KB)

The Government of New Brunswick and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development of Prince Edward Island, with support from the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation, are partnering with community networks to create integrated children’s centres.

The ten sites involved reflect the urban and rural, Francophone and Anglophone diversity of the region. While each jurisdiction will create its own path based on its ...