Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Now Has An Early Years Centre In Every School Board

September 15, 2015

With thanks to the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation for providing $500,000 for evaluation and professional learning over 5 years, Nova Scotia now has an early years centre in every school board in the province.

Congratulations Nova Scotia for making the early years a priority!


To read the Ministry of Education News Release on the opening of the 4 new Early Years Centres:


Minister Casey

Minister Casey announcing the opening of the four new Early Years Centres


 Launch Play     Min Casey

Minister ...

Centres Helping Students Socialize

Cape Breton Post
August 16, 2015

Excerpt: "To help prepare young children for the elementary school experience, the provincial government under the leadership of Minister Karen Casey has opened preschool Early Years Centres across Nova Scotia.

The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation is providing $500,000 over five years to help establish these centres. The Nova Scotia government is providing $125,000 per site. The Honorable Margaret Norrie McCain is making a profound impact on society through her philanthropy and advocacy for children.

The purpose of these early years centres is to get young preschool children ready for their ...

Early Learning Centres Secure Future

The Chronicle Herald
July 30, 2015

Excerpt: "To help prepare today’s young children for the elementary school experience, the provincial government, under the leadership of Education Minister Karen Casey, has opened preschool early years centres all across Nova Scotia.

The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation is providing $500,000 over five years to help establish these centres and the province is providing $125,000 per site. Margaret Norrie McCain is making a profound impact on our Nova Scotian communities through her philanthropy and advocacy for children.

These early-years centres assist with the emotional, social and physical development of ...

Mental Health in the Early Years Conference

Social Emotional Wellness from the Start
Date: October 16-18, 2015
Location: Mount Saint Vincent University, Seton Academic Centre, 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Excerpt: "The Nova Scotia Child Care Association, and our sponsors, are pleased to host our third annual Mental Health in the Early Years Conference: Social Emotional Wellness from the Start. We hope to provide practical knowledge and tools through a variety of exciting professional development opportunities aimed to support practitioners who work with our most vulnerable population and their families, children aged 0-6.

This is a two-day conference with a special keynote presentation taking place in ...

Open Letter: A Smart Investment in Our Future

In an open letter sent to several media across Canada, a group of charitable foundations urge politicians to look at early childhood education in a new light - as a must-have element to build a more prosperous Canada for all.