Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia: Province Ensuring Children Get Strong Start in Life

Source: Government of Nova Scotia, April 10, 2013

Excerpt: "Families will have better access to the supports they need to ensure their children get a strong start in life thanks to changes and funding announced in this year's budget. Premier Darrell Dexter and Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Ramona Jennex visited Rockingstone Heights School in Halifax to talk about the initiatives, which include integrating provincial programs and services for children and families, establishing early years centres, and free, comprehensive physician visits to screen children at 18 and 36 months."

The meaningful munificence of Margaret McCain

Source: Atlantic Business magazine, Vol. 23, Issue 5

Excerpt: ""Philanthropy is far more than writing a check,” [McCain] says. "There is charitable philanthropy and there's strategic philanthropy. And we've done both ... But let’s say I do live another 20 years. I have to be effective. And effective philanthropy is focussed. It's based on intelligence and knowledge of the issues."

... Her real passion is the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. whose board members include, apart from herself, her sons Michael and Scott, and her daughters Martha and Eleanor. Its mission is "To champion effective early ...

Province to Consult Nova Scotians on Early Years

"Giving Children the Best Start: The Early Years is an opportunity for Nova Scotians to rally behind their children, to build a seamless and comprehensive continuum of supports from the prenatal period through to elementary schooling. This is the most effective means to ensure all children have an even-handed opportunity to succeed in school and in life. It is the smartest investment in its own prosperity that Nova Scotia can make."

                -- Hon. Margaret McCain

Excerpt from Nova Scotia Premier's Office news release:

The province is consulting Nova Scotians on a plan to ensure young children are getting the support ...

Crime prevention starts in early childhood

On February 8, 2012, the Chronicle Herald published an editorial by Dr. John C. LeBlanc and Jim Mustard. Dr. LeBlanc is an associate professor, Dalhousie University, and president, Atlantic Pediatric Society. Jim Mustard is with the Atlantic Network for Early Human Development and is an Inverness County councillor.


"Youth (12-17 years of age) crime is higher in Nova Scotia than the Canadian average: 8,903 per 100,000 people in 2010 compared to a national rate of 6,147 (Statistics Canada). In response, politicians, professionals in the justice sector and other stakeholders have devised various programs for "at-risk youth ...

Hon. Margaret McCain in Halifax to promote EYS3, meet with Premier

HALIFAX, Feb. 6, 2012 - The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain is in Halifax for two days of meetings with Government and community leaders to share the latest in a trio of reports she has co-authored on the scientific, social and economic rationales for investing in early child development. Early Years Study 3 also introduces the Early Childhood Education Index, a tool that evaluates the effectiveness of provincial early childhood service systems.

Wednesday, February 8

7:30 a.m. - IWK Leadership breakfast:  Hosted by IWK, Goldbloom Pavilion.

9 a.m. - Grand Rounds lecture: The scientific rationale of early childhood education, with Dr ...