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Beginning School at Age 4


Common Concerns about Junior Kindergarten

Common Concerns about Junior Kindergarten

Capacity is always a concern, especially in urban areas. Therefore, other province opted to phase it in over a couple of years to deal with capacity issues, starting in rural areas where ample space exists.

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Atlantic Region ECE Initiative

Atlantic Region ECE Initiative

Young children are waiting for early learning and child care in Atlantic Canada and across the rest of the country. This matters. As children wait, their early learning is stifled, their parents are unable to work, with the economy foregoing needed skills, now and in the future.

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Provinces atlantiques : Initiative en EPE

Provinces atlantiques : Initiative en EPE

Au Canada, dans les provinces atlantiques et le reste du pays, les jeunes enfants doivent attendre pour l’apprentissage et la garde pour la petite enfance. Et ceci a un impact.

Téléchargez l'article complet au format PDF.

Findings of Recent Research

Findings of Recent Research

In Canada, just over half of 4-year-olds are enrolled in an early learning program that is part of the public education system and known as pre-primary, pre-kindergarten or junior kindergarten.

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Résultats des recherches récentes

Résultats des recherches récentes

Au Canada, un peu plus de la moitié des enfants de 4 ans participent à un programme d’éducation à la petite enfance relevant du système public d’enseignement et se nommant préprimaire, prématernelle ou maternelle 4 ans.

Téléchargez l'article complet au format PDF.

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Moving the four-year-olds into the school system frees up thousands of spaces in early learning centres, allowing those centres to focus on infants and toddlers.

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