November 21, 2014, Ottawa The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain, C.C., O.N.B. (Toronto, Ontario) is making a profound impact on society through her philanthropy and advocacy. From funding programs at universities and hospitals, to supporting initiatives that empower women and promote early childhood education, she has been a hands-on leader, providing...
Media - 2014

October 2014 Honourable Margaret McCain responds to questions from filmmakers developing a documentary on the importance of early education.

October 1, 2014 Excerpt: "Integrating early child education into the Department of Education is significant because it streamlines program planning and delivery but, more importantly, it legitimizes the early years as being critical to education and human development. It affords the sharing of information between educators, a continuum of learning,...

The Yarmouth County VanguardSeptember 23, 2014 Excerpt: "The purpose of these Early Years Centres are to get young pre-school aged children ready for their school years. The centres aim to meet the needs of the community by offering play-based early learning programs for four-year olds, family supports and resources and...

June 25, 2014 It was no ordinary last day of school before the summer break in this First Nation. When former Prime Minister Paul Martin, Margaret Norrie McCain and other honoured guests pulled up at Hillside elementary school, they were welcomed by students, many wearing their traditional regalia. The day...