Toronto Star, November 30, 2020 Excerpt: "The federal government is proposing millions of dollars in new spending as a down payment on a planned national child-care system that the Liberals say will be outlined in next spring’s budget.As a start, the Liberals are proposing in their fiscal update to spend...
Media - 2020

Writers Festival Radio | December 1, 2020 This podcast examines the importance of early childhood education in preventing stigma and trauma in young people with Kim Hellemans, Chair Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University and Jane Bertrand, Program Director, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation. Access the podcast HERE

The Globe and Mail | November 15, 2020 Excerpt: "Given the aging of the work force, we need to remove the barriers that prevent some of our citizens from realizing their potential. This includes a stronger income-security framework and skills programs that are better aligned with labour market needs. Affordable...

LinkedIn | September 15, 2020 Craig Alexander, Partner & Chief Economist at Deloitte Canada, shares his thoughts on why early childhood education should be included in the Throne Speech. Excerpt: "The scientific literature is clear – brain development starts at birth and a lot of important development occurs before the...

The Telegram | September 14, 2020 Excerpt: "Among the many lessons learned during this pandemic is the fragility of the early years sector. Accessible and affordable early learning and care are vital to children, families and economies. Marginalized children and their families were especially impacted by closed schools and child...