September 15, 2015 With thanks to the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. for providing $500,000 for evaluation and professional learning over 5 years, Nova Scotia now has an early years centre in every school board in the province. Congratulations Nova Scotia for making the early years a priority! To...
Media - 2015

Cape Breton PostAugust 16, 2015 Excerpt: "To help prepare young children for the elementary school experience, the provincial government under the leadership of Minister Karen Casey has opened preschool Early Years Centres across Nova Scotia. The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. is providing $500,000 over five years to help...

The Chronicle HeraldJuly 30, 2015 Excerpt: "To help prepare today’s young children for the elementary school experience, the provincial government, under the leadership of Education Minister Karen Casey, has opened preschool early years centres all across Nova Scotia. The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. is providing $500,000 over five...

Edmonton JournalJune 30, 2015 Excerpt: "The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child identifies ECE as a right of all children. But children have no means to exercise that right. They cannot vote; they have no professional lobbyists. We are raising our voices on their behalf in the...

Margaret McCain, the former first female lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, addressed New Brunswick’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Fredericton on Wednesday about a link between literacy and early education. Photo: Elizabeth Fraser/ the Daily Gleaner Elizabeth Fraser, The Daily Gleaner Former New Brunswick Lt.-Gov. Margaret McCain says...