Media - Newfoundland

Childcare funding announcement is good news for Newfoundland

Childcare funding announcement is good news for Newfoundland

Saltwire, August 5, 2021 Excerpt: "In the 2010 Early Years Report, N.L. was ranked as having the poorest model of child care in the country. Since then, the province has made dramatic improvements with integrated governance into the Ministry of Education, a play-based curriculum framework, full-day Kindergarten, enhanced wage subsidies...

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Federal-Provincial Action Plan on Early Learning and Child Care Released

Federal-Provincial Action Plan on Early Learning and Child Care Released

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, July 28, 2021 Excerpt: "The plan features targets to achieve several shared priorities between the Federal and Provincial Governments. These include:Access Working with not-for-profit groups, municipalities and family home child care operators to create approximately 5,800 additional regulated child care spaces by 2025-26. Introducing a...

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Smart Investment in our Future

Smart Investment in our Future

Edmonton JournalJune 30, 2015 Excerpt: "The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child identifies ECE as a right of all children. But children have no means to exercise that right. They cannot vote; they have no professional lobbyists. We are raising our voices on their behalf in the...

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Early Childhood Education is Vital

Early Childhood Education is Vital

The TelegramJuly 14, 2015 Excerpt: "Investing in our children is investing in the future of our country. There is no better way to do this than through high-quality early childhood education (ECE)." To read the entire article

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Open Letter: A Smart Investment in Our Future

Open Letter: A Smart Investment in Our Future

In an open letter sent to several media across Canada, a group of charitable foundations urge politicians to look at early childhood education in a new light - as a must-have element to build a more prosperous Canada for all. To access the Early Child Development Funders Working Group page

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