Early Years Study 3 - Advisory (337.6 KB) EYS 3 and other related documents are available at www.earlyyearsstudy.ca and www.pointsurlapetiteenfance.org.
Media - Prince Edward Island

Building the Future in Atlantic Canada: Integrating early childhood and family services Bâtir l’avenir au Canada atlantique: Intégrer les services à la petite enfance et les services à la famille (200.0 KB) The Government of New Brunswick and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development of Prince Edward Island,...

Smart Start provides promising beginnings for PEI’s childrenDecember 4, 2009 CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI - An innovative new children’s program got its official launch here today in a school gym packed with kids and parents and government, education, health and community officials.Called “Smart Start”, the program is a unique partnership between the...