December 5, 2016 CHANCES Family Centre launches a new Early Years Centre in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island. The Centre will welcome 6 infants and 37 preschool children and is already close to full capacity. Local MLA and Health Minister Robbie Henderson congratulated CHANCES on their determination to make it happen...
Media - 2016

The Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain receives Honorary CPS Membership for her dedication and contributions to improving child and youth health in Canada. Mrs. McCain was the first woman to be appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, an office she held from 1994 to 1997. She advocated in that role for the...

CBC News, June 22, 2016 Excerpt: "Former lieutenant governor Margaret McCain says if the provincial government is serious about fixing its literacy problems it needs to make radical changes that could mean an expansion of public education. McCain said it's time to adopt the Finnish model and expand public education...

The Chronicle Herald, June 6, 2016 Excerpt: "This isn’t about patching up a floundering program or even getting more parents into the workforce. More than any baby box, good, caring early education is fuel for young minds and healthy bodies. What children learn during this period of rapid brain development...

Nova Scotia’s Early Years Centre Research Advisory Committee meets at Rockingstone School, Halifax