
The solution to New Brunswick’s child care shortage can be found in our schools

The solution to New Brunswick’s child care shortage can be found in our schools

Stephen McNeil and Scott McCain, November 2023 Over 3,000 children are waiting for child care in New Brunswick. This matters. As children wait for child care their early learning is stifled, their parents are unable to work, and the economy foregoes needed skills. We could eliminate that deficit fast and...

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The Honourable Margaret McCain announces legacy gift to MSVU in support of early childhood

Mount Saint Vincent University, October 31, 2023 Excerpt: "Mount Saint Vincent University is thrilled to announce that The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain has made a legacy gift of $10 million to the University in support of teaching, research and practice on early childhood education.This marks the largest gift in MSVU’s...

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Looking Back: Amanda Lang Interviews Margaret McCain

Bill C-35 Second Reading

Bill C-35 Second Reading

Senator Rosemary Moodie, Senate of Canada, September 19, 2023 Excerpt: "The choice of public and not-for-profit care over private care. I believe that this choice is a good one and needs to be an essential principle underscoring any national child care Program. We must recognize that there are private operators...

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Children’s early learning belongs in neighbourhood schools

Children’s early learning belongs in neighbourhood schools

The Conversation, August 28, 2023 Excerpt: "The beginning of each school year brings an opportunity to reflect, for children, families and also for policymakers. Some important lessons pertain to effective ways provinces and territories can expand children’s and families’ access to early learning programs.Canada-wide early learning and child-care agreements established...

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