Institute for Research on Public Policy, October 19, 2022 Excerpt: "Canada is on the cusp of a major leap forward in child care with the roll out of a Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system that promises to lower child care fees by the end of 2022 and achieve...

Saltwire, June 29, 2022 Excerpt: "Last year’s $30 billion federal investment in child care is the largest public outlay in social policy since Medicare. In accepting its share of the funding, Newfoundland has to get early learning right. It is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.That’s why the recent announcement that the...

Prosperity Project, March 28, 2022 Excerpt: "The Prosperity Project commends the federal and Ontario governments for today’s funding announcement to support the creation of a sustainable national childcare program to address the needs of working families.This long-term commitment to improving working parents’ ability to participate in the workforce will help...

Saltwire, January 29, 2022 Excerpt: "Amid the controversy surrounding Nova Scotia’s plans to modernize its early-learning and child-care services, at least all sides agree there are problems. There are not enough licensed programs for young children. Options for families in rural and minority communities, and for children needing special supports...

Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, January 24, 2022 Excerpt: "Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and all parents should have the ability to build both a family and career. Yet, too many families across Canada lack access to affordable, inclusive, and high-quality child care. The...