New Brunswick's Early Childhood Development Centres

Kids at preschool

September/October 2013

New Brunswick’s integrated Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDC) model combines regulated child care, education, family and community health services into a single, accessible program designed to meet the needs of children and their families from the prenatal period through to the transition to elementary school.

The three-year pilot project, a partnership between the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. and the Government of New Brunswick, was designed to inform program practice and provide policy makers with a guide to building a comprehensive, accessible, accountable family-oriented child care and education system.

The final evaluation of the centres is now available:

The Health and Education Research Group Three Year Report is available here:

The Health and Education Reearch Group October 22, 2013 presentation is available here:

Early Childhood Development Centre

Ann Sherman, Dean of Education, University of New Brunswick;
Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, Marie-Claude Blais and the
Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain at the release of the evaluation of the
Early Childhood Development Centres, October 22 at the University of New Brunswick.

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