Marla Sokolowski, PhD, F.R.S.C. and The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development continue Fraser Mustard’s relentless mission to understand the complexity of early human development, and the lifelong impact on learning, behaviour and health with this new topic on Epigenetics. "Epigenetics is associated with long-term human developmental and health outcomes. It...
Reports - 2017

The Conference Board of Canada report Ready for Life: A Socio-Economic Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care, recommends that governments expand universal access to ECE beginning with full day Kindergarten for four- and five-year-olds and then moving to three-year-olds. The report found: ECE reduces income inequality in the short...

CHANCES (Caring, Helping, And Nurturing, Children Every Step) is a non-profit, charitable organization providing child development and parent supports to children from prenatal to 11 years and their families. CHANCES in partnership with the Margaret and Wallace McCain Foundation Inc. embarked on a research effort to profile the impact of expanding...

February 2017 The Evaluation of the Nova Scotia Early Years Centres Year 2 Provincial report presents the interim findings of the four-year evaluation of the Nova Scotia Early Years Centre initiative. The evaluation team from Dalhousie University, Research Power Inc. and Mount Saint Vincent University is funded by MWMFF. Key...