Ready for Life: A Socio-Economic Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care

Girl at desk

Conference Board ReportThe Conference Board of Canada report Ready for Life: A Socio-Economic Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care, recommends that governments expand universal access to ECE beginning with full day Kindergarten for four- and five-year-olds and then moving to three-year-olds. The report found:

  1. ECE reduces income inequality in the short term through increased maternal labour force participation and in the long term through children’s enhanced skills.
  2. Duration and quality of ECE matters - children benefit from two or three years prior to formal schooling.
  3. The costs of the program are out weighted by the benefits.

Craig Alexander, chief economist with the board, led the work and made his first presentation to the PEI Premier and Cabinet.

The full report and executive summary are available here;

Craig and Margaret
Honourable Margaret McCain and Craig Alexander, Conference Board of Canada
Presentation to PEI Cabinet, October 25, 2017

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