The Atkinson Centre is sharing innovative approaches to early learning and child care in Canada. This extensive review of Canadian research is organized into an "ELCC Innovation ToolKit" identifying the types of innovation and the existing Canadian evidence that supports it. The ELCC Innovation ToolKit identifies innovations in the following...
Reports - 2019

Read all about this new topic from our grantee, the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, and find out what they know about, and what can be done to promote the value of outdoor play.

Round 1 Report: 2016 Year 2 Report: 2017 Year 3 Report: 2018 Year 4 Family Survey, Preliminary Findings: 2019 Year 4 Overall Report: 2019 Apprendre en grandissant : Évaluation du programme de prématernelle et des centres de la petite enfance Partie 1 : 2016 Rapport pour la deuxième année :...

March 2019 CHANCES (Caring, Helping, And Nurturing, Children Every Step) is a non-profit, charitable organization providing child development and parent supports for children from prenatal to 11 years and their families. CHANCES, in partnership with the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc., completed a six-year research project (2012 – 2018) to...

Memorial University, February 2019 Abstract: "Given the growth of scholarship in early child education (ECE), as well as the rapid emergence of the sector as an area of academic inquiry, a team of special education/mental health scholars opted to explore its preemptive nature. Despite long and distinguished careers in childhood...