October 2013, Jimmy Pratt Foundation. The Jimmy Pratt Foundation, in partnership with the Wallace and Margaret McCain Family Foundation Inc., has been endeavouring to identify the ideal environment through a series of public discussions over the last year. In October 2013, the two groups released a discussion paper...

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island - September 4, 2013 This report is the result of the first year's evaluation of Prince Edward Island's Preschool Excellence Initiative - a comprehensive 5 year plan to build a provincial early childhood system for children from infancy to kindergarten. The system's emphasis is on building...

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island - September 4, 2013 This report is the result of the first year's evaluation of Prince Edward Island's Preschool Excellence Initiative - a comprehensive 5 year plan to build a provincial early childhood system for children from infancy to kindergarten. The system's emphasis is on building...

What the research tells us about New Brunswick's Early Childhood Development Centres Research Synopsis

Year Three Research Report - New Brunswick Early Childhood Centres
Health & Education Research Group