Day one of school had a different set of first timers in eight Nova Scotia regions. Four-year-olds were among those marking their first day of school in the new full day Early Learning Program.
Media - 2015

Representatives from the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. enjoyed a visit with students and staff of the Early Years Centre located at New Germany Elementary School on Friday, September 25, 2015.

Representatives from the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. enjoyed a visit with students and staff of the Early Years Centre located at East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy in Monastery on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.

MetroNewsSeptember 23, 2015 The benefits of the Early Years Centre at one Halifax school have some school board members hoping to see more funding to help others. During the first Halifax Regional School Board meeting of the year, the principal of Rockingstone Heights School and the lead for the Early...

The Chronicle HeraldSeptember 22, 2015 Learning happens long before students take their first steps into their primary classroom on the first day of school. As parents and caregivers know, children start learning and observing the moment they are born. School boards across the province have shown their support for early...