On January 31 and February 1, 2013 members of the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. attended meetings of the ECD Funders Working Group in Montreal, Quebec. The main topics of the meetings were children's rights and the Early Development Instrument (EDI). The Funders Working Group The Margaret & Wallace...

Source: Overcoming Poverty Together: Community Inclusion Networks Success Stories, Vol. 1 number 1 December 2012 Excerpt: Kent Region - Kent Community Inclusion Network (CIN Kent) The Centre for Early Childhood and Family La Boussole, in Richibucto, offers a complete range of services to families with children 0 to 5 years...

Source: Atlantic Business magazine, Vol. 23, Issue 5 Excerpt: ""Philanthropy is far more than writing a check,” [McCain] says. "There is charitable philanthropy and there's strategic philanthropy. And we've done both ... But let’s say I do live another 20 years. I have to be effective. And effective philanthropy is...

Prince Edward Island takes another step to transform its patchwork of child and family services into an integrated early childhood system. The government of PEI announced further investment in Best Start, the provincial newborn screening and home-visiting program operated by CHANCES Family Centre in partnership with Public Heath Nursing and...

"Giving Children the Best Start: The Early Years is an opportunity for Nova Scotians to rally behind their children, to build a seamless and comprehensive continuum of supports from the prenatal period through to elementary schooling. This is the most effective means to ensure all children have an even-handed opportunity...