Cake cutting Félicitations La Boussole! On December 6, 2011, La Boussole, Centre de la petite enfance et de la famille de Richibucto celebrated its first anniversary. The Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain and Jane Bertrand sent the following message to La Boussole on this occasion:Together you have accomplished much in the...

Smart Start PEI joins new Preschool Excellence InitiativeSmart Start, the integrated service model demonstrating best practices in early childhood service delivery, is becoming part of the PEI government’s new Preschool Excellence Initiative. Four Smart Start programs have been selected to become Early Years Centres in phase one of implementation. Early...

Margaret McCain accepts gift from children at the opening of the Holland College Early Learning Centre CHARLOTTETOWN: Friday, Dec. 2/ The Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain joined Premier Robert Ghiz here today for the opening of a newly expanded Smart Start program at West Kent School and a new early learning...

November 22, 2011 Canadian Capital Magazine has published an article featuring the partnership between the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Inc. and the Jimmy Pratt Foundation: "Increasingly, foundations seek to leverage the impact of their grants by partnering with other philanthropic organizations that share their interests. So when the Jimmy Pratt...

Early Years Study 3 - Advisory (337.6 KB) EYS 3 and other related documents are available at and